Our services

Consulting in area of safety management

Continuous control and assessment of business security, as well as its improvement and upgrading, are of crucial importance for the security of our business partners. The BRO consulting team is trained to conduct business security audits at facilities, various locations, the transport sector and many other cases.

 Our expert team is able to develop procedures that, by applying a clear methodology, correspond to due-diligence questionnaires that are in accordance with recognized scientific methods and international standards. 

Consulting work is another important segment of business. That’s why our clients choose this service at any stage of their business, especially when entering new markets . Our consultants are trained to professionally and discreetly perform the most complex tasks for the purpose of business reporting for clients.

Cyber safety

We are focused on prevention of various forms of cybercrime, which is increasingly expanding due to the increasing number of users of digital technologies and the increasing possibilities of their abuse.

Above all, this includes advisory services related to:

 Implementation of various prevention measures in the field of cybercrime and preservation of cyber security

 Introducing  the risks and forms of high-tech crime and protection measures to individuals and companies

Consulting services in reactive action after cases of high-tech crime committed against an injured

Various measures and actions aimed at collecting electronic evidence and preserving traces of the commission of a criminal offense, assistance in compiling and submitting a criminal complaint to the competent authorities

Implementation of trainings for employees and management of legal entities in order to improve security protocols

Undertaking other actions in favour of the injured party, in accordance with the law

Dual diligence analysis – legal, financial, commercial, taxes

Background checking

A background check is an effective way for a client to learn more about a potential employee or business partner.

A through background check can include several key elements, among which clients most often choose to check criminal history, education, employment history, creditworthiness, references, social media and media

 The reason for a background check is to obtain information that will guarantee the safety of your business or clients.

Polygraph testing

Polygraph testing involves a complex process that consists of several phases:

– Conducting a conversation with the clients requesting the polygraph examination to determine all relevant facts necessary for the polygraph test,
– Conducting an introductory interview with the examinees,
– Identifying the symptomatic picture of the examinee,
– Testing with the polygraph device,
– Interpreting the polygraph results,
– Providing the findings and opinions of the polygraph examiner.

The outcome of a polygraph test depends on a large number of factors that are individual to each specific test.

Some of these factors are beyond our control. For this reason, it is very difficult to speak about the success rate of polygraph testing or to represent it in percentages. What we can offer you is professionalism, acquired knowledge, and experience in conducting polygraph tests, which, combined with the application of our methodology and our joint efforts, will be sufficient to reach the goal, which is to determine the TRUTH in your personal or business matters.

Risk assessment in area of personal, business and asset safety and contingency planning

Always putting with clients’ needs as priority, our work is based on a combination of business-intelligence measures, constant risk management, continuous promotion of the security of property and other facilities, and improvement of business security.

 We are able to provide complete security solutions for facilities of various purposes, in accordance with the needs and instructions of our clients or the specific requirements of the locality. Our actions correspond with the regulations, recognizing all potential business risks.

We are able to cover many areas, from corporate headquarters and offices in densely populated cities, to remote and abandoned areas dedicated to manufacturing, science or other areas of work.

Training of employees

We are able to offer different types of security training. The trainings in our offer are intended for everyone who wants to acquire basic knowledge about the safety of premises, employees, etc.

Detective’s jobs

Detective services vary depending on who the client is. For individuals, the following situations may apply:

  • Infidelity
  • Substance abuse
  • Cyberbullying
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Search for missing persons
  • Search for lost and stolen items
  • Data gathering and information verification

For legal entities:

  • Corporate investigations
  • Candidate background checks for employment
  • Cybersecurity and protection of computer networks, computers, databases, and web content
  • Protection against the disclosure of trade secrets
Physical and VIP security

Physical security includes the provision of services, that is, the performance of protection tasks for individuals, property, and businesses through physical and technical protection when these tasks are not exclusively within the jurisdiction of state authorities.

VIP security refers to specialized security measures and protocols designed to protect individuals who have significant influence, status, or wealth.


Transfer services with professional drivers provide a comfortable, safe, and convenient mode of transportation for various travel needs.

Whether for business or leisure, these services prioritize customer satisfaction with reliable drivers and a variety of vehicle options.

Our Vehicles:

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